Important message from Director, Gabby Smith:
QLD Government - 3-day lockdown
31 July 2021
Dear Parents,
The QLD Government has announced another snap 3-day lockdown to contain a COVID outbreak. We have made some minor changes to our service delivery model to keep you, our clients, as safe as possible, whilst still accessing necessary OT supports for your children.
✔️ Paediatric Potentials is an Essential Healthcare Service
✔️ OK to leave home to attend OT
✔️ All clinic appointments are still continuing
✔️ Alternate options for offsite appointments (Zoom, Clinic
or Home Program)
✔️ Masks Mandatory in clinic
What does this mean for you, when attending our clinic?
Face masks - general
You must carry a face mask with you at all times when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to.
Face masks - when attending our clinic
You are required to wear a mask:
- whilst waiting in the reception area;
- when it is not possible to abide by social distancing in the therapy room.
Children under 12 years and people affected by a medical condition or disability are exempt.
Our therapists will abide by government and individual centre directives where off-site appointments have been scheduled.
I had an offsite appointment booked (home, kindy/day care or other), what are my options now?
- This affects families who had an offsite visit scheduled between 8:30am on Monday 2 August 2021 and 4pm on Tuesday 3 August 2021.
- For those with appointments scheduled between these dates, we will be in contact with you via SMS to alter your service delivery (as a once off occurrence due to current circumstances) to be either
at our clinic, via zoom or as a home program.
We ask that you limit the number of family members waiting in our reception area
- To limit the amount of traffic in our reception area, we kindly ask that you wait in your car and phone our clinic on (07) 3186 1390, to let us know that you have arrived.
- When your therapist is ready they will send you an SMS confirming they are "Ready". At this time, please make your way up to the clinic.
- Where possible, we ask that only 1 adult accompany each child to their scheduled appointment. If this is not possible, please contact our reception team and we can organise for your child's therapist to meet you in the downstairs foyer.
General precautions that remain in place
We continue to ask all clients attending the clinic to observe the following:
- Stay home if you are sick;
- If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, get tested;
- Hand washing for all clients before entry to our clinic;
- Wear a face mask if directed by QLD Health when attending our clinic;
- Wash hands or sanitise hands regularly;
- Sneeze or cough into your arm or a tissue. Then put the tissue in the bin;
- Maintain social distancing as best as possible. Stay 1.5 metres away from other people—think two big steps;
- One additional person per client (attending an appointment) in the clinic at any one time.
We ask all clients to avoid the following whilst attending our clinic:
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, nail-biting and thumb-sucking.
- Avoid shaking hands, hugging, kissing or touching other people.
Should you wish to temporarily change the delivery of your child's OT session in lieu of a clinic appointment, please advise in your appointment confirmation reply via SMS or email:
"Y Zoom" - for session to be Telehealth via Zoom; or
"Y Home Program" - for a home program to be completed and delivered via email.
*Please note that standard cancellation policies remain in place, so please be sure to respond to your appointment reminders (SMS or email), in the appropriate timeframe.
Warm Regards,
Gabby Smith
Director | Principal Occupational Therapist
A: Building 22, Level 1, 2404 Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains
P: (07) 3186 1390 F: (07) 3319 6105
For up to date information on the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and relevant protocol please visit the dedicated Queensland Government Coronavirus (COVID-19) page here.