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A great alternative to an in-person OT appointment

At Paediatric Potentials, we like to offer you as many options as possible to access Occupational Therapy Supports. You may have been offered a home program, when you couldn’t attend our clinic for an appointment or we couldn’t attend the offsite location where an appointment was due to take place (ie. during a Government COVID Lockdown).

What is a home program?

A home program is a collection of activities that your therapist collates that are appropriate to your child together with instructions that allow you to guide your child through the program, in the comfort of your own home.

The therapist spends the allocated appointment time to create the program. It is emailed to you in PDF format.

The cost is the same as an in clinic session and claimed through NDIS (if applicable). Example: if your child had a 45 minute sessions scheduled and you let the therapist know that would prefer a home program in lieu of an in-person appointment, the therapist will spend the 45 minute allocated time creating your child’s home program.

This is also a great tool that you get to keep and use over and over again!

Home programs are emailed through to you shortly after your allocated therapy time.

We kindly ask for your patience as we have quality assurance processes in place to ensure that the home program that is emailed out to you is the best possible quality it can be. This may mean that you may wait up to 24-48 hours after your allocated time to receive your home program via email.

This sounds great - how do I let my therapist know that I would like a home program instead of an in-person appointment?

Should you wish to temporarily change the delivery of your child's appointment in lieu of in-person appointment, please advise in your appointment confirmation reply via SMS or email:

  • "Y Home Program" - for a home program to be completed and delivered via email.

*Please note the standard cancellation policies remain in place, so please be sure to respond to your appointment reminders (SMS or email), in the appropriate timeframe.