At paediatric potentials, we are an approved provider under the Early intervention schemes
Helping Children With Autism (HCWA)
Children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and aged between 0-7 years are eligible to apply to access this funding. As the NDIS is rolled out, children supported through HCWA will transition onto the NDIS.
How does my child access this funding?
- When your child is diagnosed with ASD, you will receive a formal letter from your Paediatrician or Psychiatrist.
- Contact Autism Queensland on (07) 3273 0000 to schedule an appointment with an Autism Advisor. Prior to this appointment you will be required to fill out the Autism Advisor Application Package.
- At your appointment with an Autism Advisor, your child will be assessed as eligible and you will receive a Letter of Introduction. This document contains information that details your child's eligibility to access this scheme. Please provide your therapist with a copy of your child's Letter of Introduction.
What does my child receive?
- Your child will receive a total of $12,000, which can be used until their 7th birthday. You can access a maximum of $6,000 per financial year.
- Your funding may be used for:
- Assessment
- Individual Intervention
- School/Kindy/Daycare Visits
- Meetings
- Group Programs
- Your funding may be used for:
- A percentage of your child's funding may be used for the purchase of resources. This equates to 35% of the total funding ($4,200). You can access a maximum of $2,100 per financial year. (NB: Any resources purchased also contributes to the $6,000 total that can be accessed each financial year)
- All resources must be discussed with your therapist to ensure that they correspond to your child's individual therapy plan.
Children with any of the following diagnoses and aged between 0-7 years are eligible to apply and access this funding. As the NDIS is rolled out, children supported through Better Start will transition onto the NDIS.
- Cerebral palsy
- Deafblindness
- Down syndrome, including mosaic Down syndrome
- Fragile X syndrome with full mutation
- Hearing impairment
- Sight impairment
- Prader-Willi syndrome
- Williams syndrome
- Angelman syndrome
- Kabuki syndrome
- Smith-Magenis syndrome
- CHARGE syndrome
- Cornelia de Lange syndrome
- Rett's Disorder
- Cri du Chat syndrome
- Microcephaly
For more detailed information about the eligibility thresholds for each of the above diagnoses, visit the Better Start website.
How does my child access this funding?
- Upon diagnosis, you will receive a formal letter from your Paediatrician.
- Contact the Better Start team on 1800 242 636 to register your child.
- Once your child has been assessed as eligble, you will receive a Letter of Introduction. This document contains information that details your child's eligibility to access this scheme. Please provide your therapist with a copy of your child's Letter of Introduction.
What does my child receive?
- Your child will receive a total of $12,000, which can be used until their 7th birthday. You can access a maximum of $6,000 per financial year.
- Your funding may be used for:
- Assessment
- Individual Intervention
- School/Kindy/Daycare Visits
- Meetings
- Group Programs
- Your funding may be used for:
- A percentage of your child's funding may be used for the purchase of resources. This equates to 35% of the total funding ($4,200). You can access a maximum of $2,100 per financial year. (NB: Any resources purchased also contributes to the $6,000 total that can be accessed each financial year)
- All resources must be discussed with your therapist to ensure that they correspond to your child's individual therapy plan.