At Paediatric Potentials, WE believe in providing a high quality service to children and their families at an affordable cost


$575 (Assessment $375 + Detailed Report $200)

$485 (Assessment $375 + Summary Letter $80)

Comprehensive 90 minute assessment addressing all relevant skills in the areas of self-care, productivity and leisure. A Detailed Report or Summary Letter will be provided depending on your child's needs. An assessment is a once off occurrence that takes place at the commencement of therapy to ensure the root cause(s) for your child is identified. 

When would I need a Detailed Report vs. Summary Letter?

A Detailed Report contains all information from the assessment process, including: explanations of your child's performance, strategies, detailed information about each area addressed, main areas for further intervention (if deemed necessary) and short-term plan. This information is beneficial for you, your child's Paediatrician, Therapy Team and Educational Supports. All children with a new diagnosis or complex needs benefit from this option. 

A Summary Letter is a brief 1-page document that gives an overview of the assessment process, including: your child's performance, reasons for assessment, main areas for further intervention (if deemed necessary) and short-term plan. This information is beneficial for you, your child's GP and class teacher. 

Occupational Therapy Intervention

$190 (60 Minutes)

$160 (45 Minutes)

$110 (30 Minutes)

We understand that each family has unique needs that determine the form that intervention takes. Intervention may involve: direct therapy intervention with child, parent coaching, consultation and observations. At the end of each intervention session, parents are informed of session goals, progress and strategies to consolidate skills taught. This feedback is provided either face to face, via email or on a session summary sheet.


Quote Provided

Travel fees are charged based on return travel to our`clinic at Eight Mile Plains. All travel is  capped at 60 minutes (return). You will be advised of the cost of travel prior to your child's appointment. These fees are based on travel routes from Google Maps.

Off-site fees are not applied where more than 4 children are seen at the same location (eg. Kindy, Daycare, School).


$80 (Letter/Therapy Summary)

$200 (Comprehensive Report)

$200 (NDIS Goal Setting Report)

$275 (NDIS Goal Setting Report)

$760 (NDIS Assistive Technology Report)

Cancellation fees

All families will receive an appointment reminder via text message and/or email two (2) days before your child's appointment. If families provide adequate notice, no cancellation fee will be applied. We understand that unexpected circumstances may arise, and endeavour to be as flexible as possible. In return, we are appreciative of clear and open communication. 

Upon commencing therapy services with Paediatric Potentials, you will be provided with a detailed copy of our cancellation policy for your perusal and execution.